Monday, January 01, 2007




今年我其实过了两次年,第一次是在飞机上。我死死的盯着前方的银屏,看着我乘坐的飞机的小小图标一点一点穿越了Date Line。2007了,崭新的一年,泪水顺着脸颊就淌了下来。想起去年新年在Salt Lake City给自己的祝福。今年要祝愿自己什么呢?还是不要祝愿了吧,期盼越高,失望越大。一次次的期盼和失望使人心变的脆弱,敏感和烦躁。习惯将得不到的东西美好化了,总是一直生活在幻想里。在发现现实和理想的距离之后一次又一次的失落。并不是从未意识到这一点,翻看早先的旧文,曾写过一篇Choice:


The hardest thing in the world is to make a choice, because you know there is no second chance, and you never know whether the other way is better. Life is cruel, it only goes forward, you make your choice, don't ever regret it, 'cause life will never turn back for you.

There was one time; I thought I have found what I have been looking for. I was happy. Now I realized that I just live in the bubble world I build up for myself. I believe in whatever I want to believe in. All the beautiful colors in the bubble are just reflection of my imagination. Now the bubble starts to leak, shrink, the color has faded. Shall I just break it and jump out? It will be hard, my body still wants to hang on within it, still wants to believe what's in the bubble is real life. Will it ever be real?

I hate to make choice, I have made so many choices in my life, and it gets harder and harder. I wish that my life can be much simpler. I thought I had a simple happy life in my bubble, yet, only in the bubble.

后来,又写了一篇 Nepenthe:


My bubble world finally broke. All the colorful imaginations fell into small pieces; my heart is falling with them, trying to catch all the pieces in vain. It tried so hard, but the piece it caught has already turned into grey color. My heart kept falling, there is no end, and there is no place it can rest, so tired.

I heard that 70% of human's body is water. I think at least 5% of the water is tears. I'm 3% less weight than what I was yesterday morning. Crying probably is a good solution to loose weight. Just need to remember, eat less salt, 'cause tear is really bitter.

If you have a potion of Nepenthe, will you drink it? I always thought that I won't. Whatever I went through or am going through is my own life experience, it helps me to grow. But sometime, maybe a little potion can make things a lot easier...






忍受久了,就会成为习惯。而一旦适应习惯了,你会觉得生活就应该是这样的,再让你去做出改变,人反而会犹豫不决,不知该如何跳出自己的comfort zone了。放眼四周,不都是这样吗?夫妻间生活平淡,每天晚上的"Honey, I love you!"说的和每日对老板的"Morning, Bob!"一样成为了例行公事,只是为了说而说,并不是为了心而说。为了换取一刻的平静,又有多少人忽视了内心的真话,而只是为了说而说,做而做呢?


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