Monday, October 08, 2007

Salad Nicoise

这是我法语课的project -- making a Salad Nicoise,典型的法国南部色拉。好在是分组做,否则我这个从来不做饭的可就得吃C了,那将会给我自打来美全A的成绩上大大抹黑了。

Team members.jpg
My team members

今天中午我们约好在safeway碰头,照这菜谱把所有东西一一买齐了,有个老美在还是瞒方便的,我因为很少做grocery shopping,好多东西都不知是什么。safeway还是不错的,我们把做色拉的ingredient一次性全部搞定,然后回我家先尝试的作一次。回头还得在上课的时候当场做,然后由大家品尝并打分,怎么听着感觉象厨师学校,不象法语课呢?Anyway,回到家来,俺们对着菜谱洗的洗,煮的煮,切的切,拌的拌,半个多小时,搞定, 大功告成!以下是我们的成果,还不太赖吧,味道也比我想像的好很多。感觉工序还瞒简单的,以后开party,俺也可以自己作菜了,而且还是法国菜,听上去很小资啊,呵呵!
Salad Nicoise.jpg
Salad Nicoise


Serving Size : 8
8 oz Beans -- green, topped & tail
16 Potatoes -- new, small, peeled
4 Eggs- hard boiled, sliced
1 cn Tuna -- 7 1/2 oz drained
3 Tomatoes -- cut in wedges
½ ts Mustard -- dijon
1 Garlic clove- finely chopped
2 tb Vinegar -- red wine
½ c Olive oil
1 tb Parsley- finely chopped
1 tb Chives -- fresh chopped
8 Anchovy fillets (opt)
16 Olives -- black

1, Cook green beans in pot of boiling water,add green beans and boil till tender crisp, about 2-3 minutes. Refresh with cold cold water and dry.
2, In large pot of salted water, bring potatoes to a boil. Cook till tender, about 8 minutes.
3, Boiled eggs 15 minutes

Large bowl:
Combine green beans, potatoes, tuna, tomatoes in large bowl.

Small bowl:
In small bowl, whisk together mustard, garlic and vinegar.
Add oil slowly, then parsley and chives. Season with pepper and pour over ingredients.
Top with eggs, anchovy fillets and eggs.

If green beans aren't available, you can use green and or red pepper. President's Choice Memories of Gilroy garlic sauce can be added to olive oil, instead of chopped garlic.

ts: tea spoon
tb: table spoon
c: cup
cn: can

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